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Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 30.10.2011 ||

সাধারণ জ্ঞান

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সাধারণ জ্ঞান

William Shakespeare
Lewis Carol
Erich Maria Remarque
George Bernard Shaw
Both M and W will remain the same
Both M and W will change
M will remain the same but W will decrease
W will remain the same but M will decrease
TV Channel
Books and Publications
Green house
UN peace keeping force
Tribal conflict
Separation of black and white race
Trade sancitions
Freedom movement
Hajrat Fatima (Radhiallaho anha)
Hajrat Asma (Radhiallaho anha)
Hajrat Sumaiya (Radhiallaho anha)
Hajrat Khadeja (Radhiallaho anha)
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